Sea-ing into humanscapes and equal liberty. The sociocultural-ecological relations into mathematics education




Sea-ing Motion Perspective, Humanscapes, Equal Liberty, Human Mathematics Relations, Counter-colonization of Mathematical Knowledge


There are bottom-up movements imbued with different praxis into mathematics education, which promotes the combination of heterogeneous values – inserted in social participation, cultural diversity, and reconnection with the Pachamama. Such movements have been developed by collectives of thinkers constituted by members with the most diverse knowledge. Embedded in a counter-colonization resistance by a persistence of the horizontality into the educational process, this paper aims to dialogue around sociocultural-ecological connections experienced in processes of critical ethnography developed in community mathematics education of ascending movements in Brazil and Portugal. The aim is to promote a path in which an old necessity to share the human topological ontology constructed and reconstructed in five different ethnographic fields, in which both the humanscapes and the equal liberty, sea-ing in indissociable lines, evidenced the oppression of schooling mathematics knowledge over the sociocultural-ecological human relations. Such sea-ing motion is proposed as an alternative path to demystify, re-signify, or only complement, the how human being perceives itself in its surroundings and brings for the most diverse mathematics education processes – formal_informal_non-formal, the importance of the situationality of the apprentice as well as the relevance of the intellectual justice towards equitable societies.


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Author Biography

Mônica Mesquita, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Ph.D. in Educational Sciences from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (UNL). Lead Researcher (Departamento de Ciências e Engenharia Ambiental) at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal. ORCID: E-mail: [email protected]


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How to Cite

Mesquita, M. (2023). Sea-ing into humanscapes and equal liberty. The sociocultural-ecological relations into mathematics education. Revista Venezolana De Investigación En Educación Matemática, 3(2), e202310.