Pluriversality of knowledge: What tools does the anthropological theory of didactics propose?




Decolonization of knowledge, Institution, Praxeology, Transposition, Engineering


The aim of this article is to present some of the tools developed within the framework of the anthropological theory of didactics and to show that, although this theory is of Western origin, they can constitute effective instruments for the cosmopolitan epistemology called for by decolonial theory. The notion of ethno-engineering is introduced, which makes it possible to account for the ingenuity of native peoples in their confrontation with the problems they face, without referring to the nomenclature imposed by science. However, because it is proposed that some of these inventions be included in school curricula for all students, including those of colonial descent, it is impossible not to address the question of links with school subjects. This issue is considered in the case of mathematics, which leads us to question the very notion of mathematics itself in order to reflect on the links between ethno-engineering and ethno-mathematics.


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Author Biography

Corine Castela, Université de Rouen

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches Université de Paris Diderot. Investigadora asociada al Laboratoire de Didactique André Revuz (LDAR) como miembro voluntario, Université de Rouen, Université de Paris, Université Paris-Est Créteil, CY Cergy Paris Université, Université de Lille, Francia. ORCID: E-mail: [email protected]


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How to Cite

Castela, C. (2024). Pluriversality of knowledge: What tools does the anthropological theory of didactics propose?. Revista Venezolana De Investigación En Educación Matemática, 4(2), e202402.