Interactions, touches on screen and learning of quadrilaterals


  • Marcelo Bairral Universidad Federal Rural de Río de Janeiro



Quadrilaterals, Touches on screen, Constructive and relational realms, Justifications, Proofs


Beyond mobility, ubiquity and the convergence of media, tablets and smartphones allow touch screens. These touches become part of the linguistic system and, therefore, of thought. Mobile devices can contribute to the instruction and learning processes. The article illustrates answers from students and prospective teachers and raises, from them, reflections on geometric discoveries produced by high school and prospective teachers in mathematics. The activities aimed at learning quadrilaterals with a focus on identification, conceptualization, analysis of properties and the production of proofs, using dynamic geometric environment with touchscreen (DGEwT). The data were produced in written responses to the tasks, researchers' diaries, observations and conversations throughout the classes, screen constructions and video recordings. Actions such as moving and increasing were evidenced in the analysis and can enrich the subjects' repertoire when dealing with AGDcT. Two domains of handling on screen are evidenced in the production of justifications and mathematical proofs. Screen touches should be seen as another form of embodied cognition.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Bairral, Universidad Federal Rural de Río de Janeiro

Doctor en Educación Matemática por la Universidad de Barcelona (UB). Profesor Titular en la Universidad Federal Rural de Río de Janeiro (UFRRJ). Dirección para correspondencia: Rodovia BR, 465, km 7, Instituto de Educación, UFRRJ, Seropédica, Río de Janeiro, CEP: 23890-000. E-mail: [email protected]. Grupo de investigación:


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How to Cite

Bairral, M. (2021). Interactions, touches on screen and learning of quadrilaterals . Revista Venezolana De Investigación En Educación Matemática, 1(2), e202107.